A few days ago, a very well-meaning friend gave me advice on ways to market my writing, improvements to my webpage, and ideas on publicity. I read her words and realized their merit. But after some time considering her advice, I just realized that I can’t do it right now. I’m doing all that I can in the here and now to achieve my dream.
And so I wrote to her and told her that I am doing what I can. I am listening to my inner voice of what my limits are and I am honoring that for now. There have been so many times in my past when I haven’t honored my limits, but I’ve been working on it. And this seems like the perfect time to practice what I have been saying I will. This is a test, one of many. I plan to pass it.
Tonight, I’m saying these things to myself:
*All in time.
*I’m in no rush to any imaginary finish line.
*Life isn’t a race or a competition. I’m in competition with no one and celebrate the accomplishments as they come (to me and to others).
*I will be mindful of what is now and while thinking of the future is good and important, I will try to live in what IS right now.
*I will stay true to my purpose and my dream. All the rest is simply chatter.
*I will remember that the journey is more important than the destination.
*There is a plan. I will wait for it to unfold.
*Small eyes are watching and waiting for me to show them the way. So I will show them. I will show up and show them.
Friends, thank you for Mothering the Divide with me and for allowing me to be true to my purpose. I hope you’ll join me with these affirmations tonight. There is no rush to any imaginary finish line.