This morning, I should’ve been doing a million things, but instead, I took a pause.
We move in one week and there were boxes to be packed, but I decided they could wait.
There was a couch full of laundry to be folded and put away, but I just decided to do it later.
I had bathrooms to clean and weeds to pull, as always, but I knew I would get to them eventually.
I needed to finish an essay for a deadline, but I always write best when the kids are asleep anyway.
I had texts to send and emails to answer, but I know people understand that I’m home with my kids now that it’s summer break.
I wanted to run errands or take a walk or do something educational with the kids, but sometimes, some snuggle time in front of a cartoon is just what everyone needs. And so, all the things waited and we snuggled up, our feet close.
We rush here and there, from task to task, and often, we forget the beauty of the pause. Today, I should’ve been doing a million things, but I took the pause. I rested and held my kids and marveled at the feet that found their way close to my own, all on their own. And the rest of the things just didn’t even seem important.
Thanks for Mothering the Divide with me and if you can, find the beauty of the pause. Sometimes, it’s the pausing that reveals the beauty right in front of our eyes.