It just takes time.

I heard variations of these words in four different scenarios today, and it’s clear to me that this phrase is a message for me.  There was a time when I wouldn’t have heard it or been willing to, but today, I heard it. The message was too clear and too loud.

“We’re learning as we go.  It will just take a little time.”  These were the words from a new mother, my dear cousin, when I asked how things were going with her newborn daughter.

“I’m just living through it.  It will just take time.”   These were the words from my neighbor who is grieving the death of her sister, her green eyes filled with the pain of her loss as she told me.

“You said yourself that there is no rush, remember?”  These were the words from my husband to me today–the constant reminder that I need.

“Mama, I’m almost done with this picture.  Can I have another minute?”  My son said these words to me when I asked him to hurry up and put his shoes on so we could go outside. 

All around me the universe is telling me that things just take time–good things and sad things.   Pain and joy hold hands in the everyday and sometimes, we just need a little time to process it all.  It’s one of my life lessons and I’m working on it every day, all day.

Too often, we don’t give ourselves, our families, our friends, or our children the time needed.  We rush from here to there and seldom stop to take our time.   Life isn’t about getting through.  Sometimes, we don’t need to “get through.”  Sometimes, we just need to take our time, even if that means feeling pain.  After all, life just takes time.

Tonight, whether you’re learning how to mother (or mother in a different way, as it’s always changing), grieving the loss of a loved one, or even just finishing a project:  give yourself the time you need.   Take the time you need and by doing so, you can show your children that life isn’t something to be hurried through.   Tonight, I hope you can slow down, just for a minute.

Can you say these words with me?

“Tonight, I will honor the need for more time in all areas of my life.  I will do my best not to rush through any of it, even if it’s hard.”

Thanks for Mothering the Divide with me and for taking the time to read my words.  I’m so thankful you’re here.clock