The Simple Things Make the Best Memories


Let us not forget that it’s the simplest moments that make the best memories.

They’re not found in the best toys or clothes, the fancy shoes or the latest video games.  It’s the simple moments they will always remember.

As you all know, we’ve moved from the home my son moved to as a toddler and the home my daughter came home from the hospital to.  Before we left, from the suggestion of a Mothering the Divide follower, I walked from room with a rock from the garden, saying what I remembered in each room. The idea is that the rock will always help you remember the home and the memories it holds.  When I told my son what I had done and showed him the rock, he asked to do it, too.

As we listened to his memories of each room, my husband and I laughed and cried as our not even seven-year-old son did the same.  My heart was so full as I listened to his memories–baking in the kitchen, playing with his baby sister in the playroom, greeting guests at the door, making crafts on the front porch, and sitting in front of the fire on snowy days.

Not one memory had anything to do with television, electronics, toys, or other material possessions. Every moment was about simply spending time with his people.

It’s the little things, my friends.  Our children simply will remember we were present, we tried hard to be good, we loved them, and we showed them how to enjoy the beauty of the everyday.  If I can raise this small boy always to count these as his blessings, I will count that as my very greatest accomplishment.

Thanks for Mothering the Divide, as we all try to enjoy the simple moments–the ones that turn into lifelong memories.  matt and rock